Sunday, April 19, 2009

extend or reset trial period of Softwares

How to extend or reset trial period of Softwares

Method 1
Reinstall the program. This is the easiest method, but highly likely that it won’t work mostly on current modern software, as the expiry check algorithm getting sophisticated by keeping the expiry information on started using date and days allowed for try use plus days left in the trial in the registry or in a randomly named file.

Method 2
Adjusting the clock (date and time) of your computer system before starting installation of trial software to future data, or adjusting the clock to past date after expired trial period. Again, this method most likely won’t work.

Method 3
Use a application installation monitoring software or uninstaller software such as Norton Cleansweep, Your Uninstaller! 2006 and Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2006 to keep track and monitor every changes to the system during installation, and then uninstall and revert the shareware completely to remove all traces of trial expiry data.

Method 4
Backup the registry before installation of software, and restore the registry after trial period passed. Only works on those shareware that store protection information in registry, and you will lose some important registry changes by Windows or other applications. Alternatively, use Regmon to monitor registry activity in real-time to identify possible candidates for trial expiry reg keys, and then delete those keys.

Method 5
Reinstall windows, and you can be sure that you can use all trial demo shareware again, as all dummy registry entries and dummy files that store trial information are wiped off.

Method 6
Find a crack, with the help of cracks search engine such as Astalavista. But this is not extending the trial period of software.

Method 7
Search with various search engines such as Google and Yahoo! for application-specific known workarounds.

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